Meditation: A Practical Guide

If you are someone who knows all the benefits of meditation but struggles to practice it

Be Hopeful
3 min readJul 17, 2023


here are some practical tips to help you get started.

Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

Meditation is a practice that promotes relaxation, improves mental clarity, and enhances overall well-being.

In this blog, I will discuss the importance of meditation and provide practical tips on how to meditate effectively.

Find a Quiet Space

Photo by rosario janza on Unsplash

It is important to choose a peaceful place where you won’t be disturbed while meditating.

Sit or lie down in a comfortable position

Using a cushion or a chair for support is a good thing to be comfortable

Set a Timer

Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

Decide on the duration of your meditation session

As a beginner, you may start with just three to five minutes and gradually

increase the duration over time.

Focus on Your Breath

Photo by Fabian Møller on Unsplash

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths

Relax your body

Photo by Cassandra Hamer on Unsplash

Pay attention to the sensation of your breath

as it enters and leaves your nostrils or the rise and fall

of your chest or abdomen.

Be Present

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

During meditation, it is normal for thoughts, emotions, and distractions to arise.

Instead of trying to suppress or judge them, acknowledge their presence and

gently bring your focus back to your breath.

Choose Techniques

There are many meditation techniques such as:

Mindfulness Meditation

Focus on the present moment, and observe your thoughts and sensations without judgment.

Loving-Kindness Meditation

Be kind to yourself and make yourself first priority

Guided Meditation

Use pre-recorded or live instructions to help you stay focused

Mantra Meditation

Repeat a word silently or aloud to maintain concentration.

Body Scan Meditation

Focus on each part of your body one by one for relaxation and tension release.

Practice Regularly

Consistency is key to experiencing the benefits of meditation.

Choose a short duration, but make it a regular part of your routine.

Be Patient and Gentle with Yourself

Don’t be discouraged if your mind wanders during meditation.

It’s normal and part of the process. Be patient and

gently bring your focus back each time.

Extend Mindfulness to Daily Life

Be mindful of your everyday activities

and stay fully engaged in whatever you are doing.

Consider Group Meditation

Joining a meditation group or attending guided meditation classes

can provide additional support and motivation.

Be Open to the Experience

Meditation experiences can vary from person to person.

Stay open-minded and

explore different techniques to find what works best for you.

Remember, meditation is a personal journey, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. All techniques are equally important, but it depends on what works best for you. The most essential thing is to make it a regular part of your routine and allow yourself to find peace within.

Happy meditating!



Be Hopeful

I share stories related self-development, Travel, and Online earning