Meditation Is Difficult, But It’s The Thing That Can Save You

Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds
Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2020


Nothing else can

Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

You are probably tired of hearing people talk about meditation over and over again. Meditation is difficult, but it's the thing that can save you. You work out every day, right? You know the benefits of exercise so you get to the gym and hit the trails every day for a good run.

You even exercise in your living room because you know exercise is good for your health. But how often do you exercise your mind? How often do you work out the muscles of your brain? Your brain needs exercise as much as every other part of your body. Meditation is exercise for the brain.

How often have you taken the time to take care of your mind like you do other parts of your body? Answer honestly. People keep talking about meditation because they have witnessed the benefits it has on their mental health. Meditation is difficult, but it’s the thing that can save you.

I know you will agree with me that the uncertainty in the world right now is overwhelming. And while exercise helps your physical body, if you fail to take care of your mind, you still won't be 100% healthy. Mental health and emotional health are just as important.

Just Do Nothing

With the current events of the world, it’s easy to go through life with a sense of uneasiness and discomfort. You might ask, will life go back to the way it used to be? Life as we know it has changed forever.

Things will never go back to the way it used to be and the thought of that can be overwhelming. Meditation can help. And it's time you got on board.

Meditation is not as simple as it sounds. I agree. Meditating every day is difficult, but it is the thing that can save you. It is the thing that can save you from your mind and its attacks.

Meditating in the morning helps you set intentions for the day and visualize the way you want your day to go.

Meditating in the afternoon helps you ground yourself and rid yourself of dense energies you may have picked up during the day.

Meditating at night allows you to relax and reflect on the events of the day. It helps you calm the mind to get ready for the dream world.

You Have To Want To Change

We all have a lot of questions that we need answers to, but until we quiet the chatter of the mind, these answers will always seem as if it’s outside of us.

The answers you need are always inside of you. But you can’t hear them unless you are still. You won’t find the answers you so desperately need until you sit in silence and tune in.

Meditation is crucial right now. I know how hard it is to sit the body down and command it to be still. But it can be done if you are serious about changing your life. Meditation can change the way you view life and it can be the one thing that can save you from your own mind.

When there is nothing but chaos around you, all you need is quiet. Stillness. Solitude. To reconnect. To recharge. To rejuvenate the spirit and free the mind of its worries and overthinking.

Photo by Margarida Afonso on Unsplash

Meditation is Your Safe Haven

It is the place you run to escape the chaos that is all around you. It is where you go when you feel disconnected from yourself.

Meditation is the place you go to when it’s all too much and you just need to return to your center.

It’s where you go for creative ideas that spark fire and excitement back into your life when you are bored with your days blending into each other.

Meditation is the place you go to when you've had a long stressful day and just want to clear your energy field.

Meditation is the place you go to when you want to know yourself and dig deeper into your pain.

It is the place you go to when you want to quiet the chatter of the mind and calm the self.

It is the place you go to when you want a change in perspective.

Meditation is the place you go to calm your anxieties and reduce your stress levels.

It is the place you go to enhance your awareness of yourself and the world around you.

Final Thoughts

I am not here to convince you to meditate. In fact, if you think the whole concept of meditation is nonsense then you shouldn't even attempt to because you will find it too difficult to do. But if you know that you need to meditate and you are open-minded, then stop the excuses and do it. Meditation is not easy, but it can save you.

You keep hearing the word wherever you go — it is your soul sending you a sign that it is what it needs. Listen to your soul when it speaks.

No more excuses. Just do it. Because you've had enough. Meditate today and come back and let me know in the comments below how you feel. Thanks for reading this article.

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Kimberly Fosu
Mystic Minds

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now.