Meditation Simplified

No need to make it difficult to understand, just breathe and take it a day at a time.

Steve C


Author’s Created Graphic — stjc/Feb2021

I’ve been meditating daily for about four months now. For me, it is best if I do it first thing in the morning, after I get my cup of coffee. It starts simply, just easy breathing — in through the nose and out through the mouth. No strong focus, yet. After a few “open-eyed” breaths, at the exhale of the next breathe I close my eyes and continue to breathe simply. Still no focus, just easy and normal breaths.

Next, while continuing to bring easily, I listen for any sounds. This is one of my favorite stages of meditating, particularly when I am outdoors. I try and listen to any birdsongs and distinguish how many different birds I can hear and notice the responses one bird gives to another. I find that soothing. I also listen to my dog’s breath as she is always by my side. I hear the fish-tank pump running, the refrigerator, the air-conditioner, and any sounds from outside such as neighbors’ mowing their grass or trucks driving by. No judgment, no emotion, just listening.

Then my focus changes from listening to feeling, or sensing, my body’s contact points with wherever I am sitting — my feet on the floor, my arms resting on my legs or armchairs, my bottom on the seat cushion or ground. I find too that it helps if I…



Steve C

This 2 Shall Pass. Maturing and Still Learning After All These Years.