Writer Introductions

Meet Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi on Medium

Biography and an introduction to her book Darkness and Light

Published in
5 min readMar 25, 2022


Photo courtesy of Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi with permission

About the Author

Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi is an author, a writer, a blogger, a public health professional, a nurse, and a Reiki Master. Gabriella has a Master’s Degree in Nursing and a Doctorate Degree in Public and Community Health.

Gabriella has experience in various nursing areas, including addictions, mental health, nephrology, cardiology, clinic nursing, and community health nursing.

In addition, Gabriella has teaching experience with nursing, in group settings, and with individual patients. She is currently working as Nurse Quality Supervisor over specialty clinics, volunteers for Medical Reserve Corps, Red Cross, and SERV-OR as her time allows.

Gabriella likes to garden and enjoys picking and eating what she can grow. Gabriella loves trees and being out in nature.

Gabriella’s interests are creating love and joy in people’s lives, reconnecting with nature and everything around us. Gabriella loves to write and interview people about their experiences in life. In addition, Gabriella likes to cook and create new recipes.




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