Meet Grace: Why I Joined Illumination

And why I am here to tell you everything is OK



image by author

I am not sure what Illumination is about other than its wild energy.

Illumination provides a higher vibration.

And so do I.

I’m not saying that in an egoistic way, but from a place of honesty and humbleness.

When I write, I write from my heart. And when I first started writing on Medium, I would pour my heart out and not get any recognition. Well, thanks to Illumination, we can get the recognition we deserve and rightly so because what I write is there to help you find your inner peace.

I am here to tell you it’s ok not to be ok.

I mean of course the founder of Illumination is a doctor and he’s a very clever one at that. He says “As founder and editor of ILLUMINATION, I made it easy and practical to access me via a link without limitations of Medium. I enjoy interactions with our readers, writers, and aspiring writers. I receive fascinating messages each day. Communicating with our writers and readers is a privilege to me.”

I adore that it is easy to find and contribute to this publication, so I am here to add to the vibration! So who am I?




Tea addict, yoga teacher, well-being coach, passionate writer spreading peace. No-BS advice: focus on well-being.