Meet Joe Luca

Senior editor at ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Published in
4 min readDec 20, 2021


Photo courtesy of Joe Luca

This post introduces Joe Luca, senior and consulting editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. Joe has a long writing history starting from 1980. He had initial success with children’s magazine, published a few stories. That was fun for him.

Living in Los Angeles, the United States, he caught the screenwriting bug and started writing teleplays and screenplays to see if he could enter that market. He got close a few times but never really crossed the finish line.

Since the late 1990s, he has written primarily non-fiction articles in the financial sector, mainly his own articles and writing for other executives who contacted him for some help.

He has used words to communicate successfully in business and to find people’s passions, to discover what makes them tick, what makes them focused, and what makes them care.

As a result, he has cobbled together successful careers in finance and management, mortgage and the Internet, and in his current home improvement field, relying on the use of words and the observational skills he has acquired over the past 50 years.




Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 31,000+ writers. Apply via https://digitalmehmet.com/contact