Meet John: Why I Joined Illumination

And why I continue writing for this crazy, synergistic publication

John Ross


Salt Lake City, Utah

Let’s be honest, this publication is wild. All over the place.

And it works.

It fits.

It’s as it says, synergistic, welcoming.

There’s a lot of energy here. A lot of support.

When I first started writing on Medium, I had poured my heart into some stories I had written and then I posted them into the vastness of Medium only to be swallowed up into obscurity. As I’ve met others on here, this seems to be the common way of getting started.

I didn’t really know how to use Medium yet. I didn’t know how to engage with other writers. I didn’t know how to support and be supported. I just posted my stories and let them be with most of my feedback coming from those on Facebook and Twitter which was great, but I was really trying to figure out how to connect on Medium with people I didn’t already know.

I started getting some stories picked up by publications and even curated but I didn’t feel like I really figured out Medium until I connected with other writers. The key wasn’t in getting published or curated but in the mutual support and encouragement of fellow writers.



John Ross

Writing stories, working in the NBA, & learning each day how to better love my neighbor —