Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2020


ACJR training activity. From September 14 to 17.

Photo courtesy of writer

Main objective

We offer a space where each author can share the content of their book and their specialism with others.

We also offer the opportunity to record these meetings making them available to everyone in a virtual space and allowing attendees to broadcast their work.

Who is it for?

The meeting is aimed at all authors, potential authors and all fans of reading.

Activity content

Each author will have 5 minutes to present their work, (e.g. the objectives and target audience). There will be 5 minutes for questions to the author by the attendees.


The meetings will be held from September 14 to 17, 2020, from 4 to 6 p.m., in Spanish time. Each day will be dedicated to one theme:

Monday September 14, 2020: Authors of the novel.

Tuesday September 15, 2020: Authors of poetry.

Wednesday September 16, 2020: International Authors (this session will be held in English).

Thursday September 17, 2020: Authors of various styles.


The meetings are free for all who want to participate and will be online through Zoom.

Authors who want to present their work should send a summary of a maximum of 200 words on the topic they are going to talk about before July 30, 2020. Indicate the Title of your book. The name and surname of the author to the following email: or using the questionnaire below.

Power Point can be used for the exhibition as long as it does not exceed 5 minutes.

Once the deadline is closed and the number of exhibitors known, the order and timing of the presentations will be published on this page.

Potential authors and fans who want to attend should send an email to the Julio Robles Cultural Association ( indicating the day or days they want to attend before August 30, 2020. They will be sent the link to enter the meeting room by email that day through the Zoom application.

If you have any question please email.

Julio Robles Cultural Association (ACJR) for new talents with no age limit.





I am a PhD student and Music teacher, manager, producer, biographer, lyrical singing and expert in Wagner in Madrid.