Melinda Gates can now use Apple products.

Bill and Melinda Gates have called it quits.

Pakang Senosha
2 min readMay 4, 2021


Breathes a sigh of relief.

Do not take this very seriously, it is just a satire of how rich people have been divorcing like it is in trend. To name a few, the list includes Jennifer Lopez and A. Rod, Jeff Bezos and Mackenzie Scott and most recently the power couple of Bill and Melinda Gates.

On the 3rd of May 2021, Bill and Melinda Gates decided to call it quits. This happened after 27 years of marriage and 3 children. The Microsoft guy felt like he was getting bugged too much, or was it, Melinda? Who knows?

Anyways they decided to follow in the footsteps of the Amazon power couple, Who called it quits two years prior. This raised questions of what if Mackenzie Scott is Melinda’s role model? We will just have to wait for the courts to tell us.

I will assume that everyone sobs after a divorce, but if half of the estate is in billions, then hey I will take the sobbing any day. I have never been divorced, and I have certainly never been married, only in my dreams.

Why do old people divorce, though? I mean Bill is 65 and Melinda is 56, who is going to cuddle them at such an old age? Unbelievable!

$146 billion is at stake

Let me start by reminding you that the queen is single too. If you ever feel bad about being single just remember that Bill and the queen of England are single. If you are a man you could change your luck at the queen and to the beautiful ladies out there, Xanadu 2.0 is open.

Here comes the interesting part, money, moola, grab or whatever y'all call it. 146 billion dollars is on the table. Bloomberg Billionaires Index thinks they are worth that much.

With the Giving Pledge in place, Bill will most likely be left with less and Melinda will surpass him upon his death. At this moment their children are smiling because they expected to be left with just $10 million each. Now because Melinda will get more than $50 billion dollars, they can expect her to leave them with billions. They will hope she does.



Pakang Senosha

Sharing my journey of passion trying to learn about and understand antimicrobial resistance.