Metaverse Our Future Virtual World

Ezekiel Juma
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2022
Photo by Sara Kurig on Unsplash

Metaverse is a term that is starting to make headlines in the news and in our digital spaces; this is due to the advancement of virtual reality technology in our world.

But what is Metaverse? It’s a hypothetical future based on a computing system and internet development that provides a virtual reality experience.

It will be a surprise to discover that Metaverse as a phenomenon firstly appeared in the 1992 Science fiction novel ‘snow crash.’ written by Neal Stephenson.

In the novel, we get a picture of the writer describing Human’s future possibilities in experiencing the virtual world.

Last year Facebook changed its name to ‘Meta’ as a way to tap into the virtual reality space and as well prepare its customers for the digital economy through metaverse development.

Big tech companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Nvidia, and Tencent, have started preparations for the incoming metaverse wave, which is predicated on being a multi-trillion market by 2030.

Like much anticipation was there during the early years of the internet, metaverse development is not an exception since much criticism and views as already stormed the internet.

People have different opinions and views on metaverse development; what would it turn out to be, a blessing towards Human civilization or a curse upon Humans?

For this remains a prophecy to be witnessed.

It would be early to predict the outcome of metaverse development towards Human advancement in the World.

Metaverse could be the best digital space whereby individuals come and experience interactions and connections virtually.

However, reality as always overwhelmed many in the real world, and here we have the virtual world what would it turn out to be?

Virtual World Vs Real World

As Human beings continue to search for meaning, purpose, and fulfilment. They will eventually juggle between these two worlds to deepen their quest.

The real world and the virtual world completely gives different experiences.

To whom has experience both worlds can come into a conclusion which is the best.

Some people view the world with the lens of pessimism attitude while others are optimistic about the world.

With this in mind, what will people view the virtual world which is already here with us.

It is a fact that the virtual world would affect the areas of our life, the way we do things would absolutely change.

Both Worlds provide Human’s experience, and how humans interact with them is important.

In our current real world we are experiencing Global issues which have been with us for a long time, example Racism, poverty, and diseases. Can the virtual world change the narrative of the Global issues in the near future.

Real world as a role to play in Human’s activities same to the virtual world, it’s only the perception of people which would make the difference.

Workplace environment

We spend most of our time in our work places, with the metaverse wave expected to rise drastically by 2030, what would be the work environment.

Digital world shall influence the way we do our jobs.

Metaverse development will encourage working from home or remotely.

Digital virtual gadgets shall be the tools in which will link employees and employers at the Job environments

Fields of medicine and education are predicated to reap the benefits of virtually world experience.

Social Life

Social life is a very important aspect to Human’s anatomy

The social life of Humans beings would be interesting with the introduction of metaverse development

Various activities in the social life of individuals would be upgraded these include Art scenes,festivals, nightlife, and social media.

There are users whom have already enjoyed a nightlife experience and as well attended art galleries virtual.

With companies such as Facebook which changed it’s name to Meta last year, paints a picture of what big tech giants would be developing on the digital world.

Social media platform would experience a huge transformation during this metaverse development, and this would be a game changer during our current digital era.

Dating World

The Dating World continues to capture attention of many, few still believe in Love for others Love is a dark well where you find disappointments, bitterness, and rejections.

And these as resulted to many going online to look for Love and be Loved.

Due to curiosity towards exploration why wouldn’t humans try out incorporating Dating into the virtual world. Don’t be surprised to see a Tinder virtual club in future.

Few whom have used the digital asset gadgets have gotten a glimpse of the dating world, this is through going into parties and hangouts with other people virtually.

Digital assets would be the qualification to enter into the virtual world, get an avatar buy some clothe and eventually enjoy the ride in experiencing the virtual world.


Anticipation and uncertainty on metaverse development is expected among people.

Like during Internet exploration back in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s, which raised a lot of arguments on the future of technology, it would be early to predict the metaverse development effects towards Human’s way of Life.

What are the intentions and mood behind the metaverse development, is it another monopolised asset owned by few companies, or is it a goldmine asset which will advance humanity.

Experiencing Life virtually may actually not be a bad idea.

