Mindfulness Is Not Just Meditation

Enhance your mindfulness practice outside of meditation

Madeline Phang


Photo by Jamie Brown on Unsplash

The disastrous year of 2020 has led to an increase in downloads of meditation and mindfulness apps. Stressors from daily Covid-19 news, political news, juggling multiple lives, working from home, and long-drawn-out social distancing measures have turned many people to meditation apps to feel centred and calm.

Scientists and politicians have mentioned that the coronavirus is here for the long haul as it continues to spread throughout the world. With many countries going into intermittent lockdowns, millions of people are still in quarantine/pandemic mode.

However, mindfulness and happiness aren’t just about meditation. Although meditation teaches you the skills and theories to cultivate mindfulness within 10–30 minutes a day, the 23.5 hours left in your day make for a mindful life.

Like many, I turned to meditation when my life and mental health was in dire need of direction, grounding and improvement. Alongside, I took to Yoga to improve awareness and concentration outside of meditation. I’ll keep the Yoga story for another time, but taking mindfulness off meditation and into a physical practice forced me to focus and quiet the mind chatters — teaching me to lead a more conscious and intentional life.



Madeline Phang

On a journey of self-discovery and leading a life with purpose. Working on becoming more present as I explore, learn, grow and write about it all.