Minimalistic Living

Ojita Mishra
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2020

He who understands the art of minimalism can survive in any situation.

Photo on photograph name Minimal Living

They say that life is unpredictable. So have I experienced. During these unpredictable and busy times, the more flexible we are, the easier it becomes for us to live a peaceful life. There are a lot of things surrounding us which make our lives occupied without even our realization. The more clutter we collect the heavier our lives become. Here are the things which I feel could help us ease our lives out and help us live lighter.

Kitchen appliance which does the same job

It is common to have a juicer, a grinder, a food processor, a sandwich maker and a vegetable chopper in our kitchen. With smart technology, all the work can be done by one appliance. Let’s make a smart investment and avoid blocking up our kitchen space with multiple appliances which do the same job.

Shopping store membership cards

We often end up buying membership cards of almost all the stores that we visit frequently. We are lured to purchasing the membership by the attractive ‘free gift’ that we’ll receive after collecting certain points. By the time our points are collected we had already spent twice or thrice the amount of the gift, so it made me think, is it worth it? And guess what, you have your wallet full of these membership cards instead of actual money.

Decorative pieces and home décor

We are often mesmerized with the beauty of that decorative vase or the beguiling photo frame or the radiant, massive, voluminous crystal — the chandelier. There is no harm in buying these kinds of stuff, it’s your money, you know how to spend it. The only problem is, when these wonderful, aesthetic beauties are standing there in the store, they steal our hearts away. But the moment these enter our homes, they start depreciating their values with each passing day. Firstly, they are a huge commitment to maintaining their beauty. Secondly, when we look at these every day at the same wall in the same house 24 x 7, we get bored. We need something new to please our eyes. Then we go an end up buying something new and attractive again. Let’s save ourselves from this circle.

Trendy gadgets

Technology keeps on changing every day. If you have the latest and the trendiest cell phone today with the best camera features and the best of all that that usually these devices have in them, a month later, someone else will have the best and the trendiest device. We should never forget that these devices are to ease our lives and not to fall prey in becoming the best and the trendiest in society.

Trendy clothes

Have you ever thought for a second as to why do most people have a wardrobe full of clothes? Because, we all feel pressurized to wear new clothes at every event, at a social gathering, at a vacation, at a get-together. And why do we feel this pressure, because we have clicked photographs in our old clothes and posted them on social media and our “society” has seen us in those clothes. Now, since society has seen us in those clothes already if we wear them again, they will judge us, that we cannot afford new, trendy clothes. If we cannot afford trendy clothes, we cannot afford a good lifestyle, and the vicious cycles goes on. The desperate need to be included in society. The despairing, distressing need to be a part of the society haunts us and we end up gathering clutter in our home.

Firstly, we are no celebrities to make headlines if we repeat our dresses. They are your dresses, your looks, your comfort that you carry. Secondly, no one really remembers your dresses or your looks unless they are similar to Red Carpet style statements. Honestly, I don’t even remember the Red Carpet looks of any actor/ actresses. Save yourself from the agony!

There are a lot other things like,, limiting your pair of footwear, handbags,, sun glasses,, cosmetics, and on and on to live a minimalistic lifestyle. The less we are surrounded and the less we surrender ourselves to these materialistic things, the less we’ll have struggles of living our lives during pandemic times, or during wildfires where we have to be ready to evacuate and move to a relief centre, or during a hurricane. Detach yourself, eat healthily and live healthy, burden-free life.

