Mirrored Windows

Maria Barros
Published in
Nov 9, 2020


Photo by Folco Masi on Unsplash

Burning candles
Hours and hours of loving you and yet
you’re still away.

Where is the time going
Where is the fire going
It’s Friday night so I never have to go to bed,
The night has no end
It ends me instead.

The mirror reminds me: you exist —
If I’d open the window I would dissolve in the rain
There’s no one in me
And in the water,
No pain.

Comforted by the silence of songs I hear over and over again
I’m here, moving, yet not aware
So, for all I know, I am nowhere
Not moving, not breathing — it’s just the wind out there.

Despite what I do,
I always wonder…
Which side
of the window
are you?

