A Very Conflicting Feeling

Audrey Vivian
2 min readAug 21, 2024


A reflection of myself very confusing. Could it be of happiness or sadness?. Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

This mirror, a reflection of doubt and confusion

A stranger in my eyes and a visitor in my mind

Such a tricky snare, reflecting an image beyond repair

One moment, a vision of perfection so rare

Next, a flawed face with imperfection so bare

One moment, a superstar, shining bright

Next, a fragile soul, lost in the night

My self-worth, a pendulum swings, a puzzle hard to complete

Pieces of confidence, scattered at my feet

I struggle to assemble, a clear pictures of me

As the pieces keep changing, like a puzzle in a spree…..

Sometimes, the mirror of me whispers sweet nothings, a flattering tone

“You’re beautiful, you’re worth it, you’re the one”

But soon, it hisses cruel, heartless lies

“You’re ugly, you’re worthless, you’re not enough, you’re not doing better”

Sometimes, I’m a warrior, armed and strong

Other times, a volunerable heart that can’t belong

I search for a constant steady beat

A rhythm that assures me, I’m enough

Like scales, my esteem tips and sways between “I’m enough and I’m not enough” days

Strange sound keeps echoing, struggling between good and bad. Photo by ian dooley on Unsplash

The voices in my head, a constant debate

A battle between self strength and self doubts weight

Yet, in the chaos, I still search for solid ground, a steady place where my worth isn’t measured

I search for a truthful grace, a reflection that shows me my true self

A mirror that reveals my inner strength and shows me beauty, beyond physical length

Even though the puzzle keeps shifting and the pieces keeps rearranging to a deceptive mirror, I’ll always find my worth

Mirror’s deception, a trick of the mind

A never ending battle, I’ll struggle to see beyond its deception

A reality, that true beauty lies in the heart and soul

And that self-worth is not a reflection to be controlled.



Audrey Vivian

A poet, LinkedIn writer, public speaker and a content creator. Support, join and enjoy my writing @LinkedIn.com/Vivian Omeokwe and on medium.com/@prettyviv109