Mirza, Sahiba and the wise old men..

Harun Reşit Aydin
Published in
6 min readJul 4, 2020


Photo by Mohd Aram on Unsplash

Punjab is one of the most beautiful states in India. What place in India isn’t great already? There’s a life experience on every stone, love in every step. And one of these states is Punjab.

Punjab is a word that derives from Farsi. Panj means “five” and ab means “waters”. It signifies five river passing through the states. This name was given by the Turkic emperors around the vicinity during that period.

This place, where there were great sufferings between the Muslims and Hindus during the Independency period, has a unique place in Indian history. Especially the architectural masterpieces that were built by Sikh sect who lived there at that period are enchanting for every traveler.

It presents a dream-like atmosphere that is worth even coming from thousands of kilometers away only to see the Golden Temple.

But I want to tell you about one of the love stories which has a special place in this state’s history, Mirza and Sahiba, and this is a shortened version:

Once upon a time there lived a boy and a girl named Mirza and Sahiba. Though they studied in the same class, they were raised in different worlds. Sahiba was the daughter of one of the notable families of the region. Mirza, on the other hand, was the boy of a notable family of another region. Time passed, schools are…



Harun Reşit Aydin

Ex Nato-Officer. Economist. Advertisement Professional. Brand Consulting. Politic and Strategy Analyst. 83 countries visited. Turkey-India Expert. Storyteller.