Missing Baseball? Strike Up A Story!

Dawn Aegle
7 min readMay 27, 2020


“Baseball right now is a national thermometer.” ~ Vin Scully

“Where has everybody gone? Gone to quarantine, every one.” ~ Photo by cherylholt on Pixabay

I wasn’t supposed to love baseball. I was, after all, a girl. In those days, girls were supposed to wear dresses and take ballet lessons. I did that too, but it didn’t compare with camping, hiking and baseball!

A new friend recently asked me, after hearing me say I loved baseball as a kid, what my experience was with the game. I thought about it and realized that although it was short, it had a big impact on my life, coming at a time when I was beginning to formulate my sense of self. I responded in the form of a story.

I’ll share it with you…to scratch your baseball itch until the real season begins. Because as Vin Scully, “the voice of baseball,” implied recently in the quote above, what happens with baseball this summer will give us a real good indication of the health of the nation. In the meantime, you have some time to find out who you are.

I grew up in the country. I don’t remember if I knew what Little League was or not, but we didn’t have such a thing anywhere nearby. All I know is that I loved baseball. I remember my dad, working in the yard with a baseball game on the radio, but I wasn’t much interested. I wanted to be playing the game.



Dawn Aegle

Follow the eclectic life adventures, musings & advice of a modern-day Renaissance Woman and ‘Turn Trauma into Tremendous.’ Transformation coach; content writer