Missing Presence

Diane Won
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2020


Photo by Anandu Vinod on Unsplash

People don’t see me as I am. My essence is always overlooked. I look in a mirror and see someone. But this person I see is not what others see. I speak and my words drift into thin air, lost. I could be nothing. I walk around, all smiles, and talk to people but I’m not really there. I find myself repeating myself endlessly.

And yet, people talk over me and turn their attention to something else. I empty. I flinch and retreat into the hollow of myself to remind myself I’m someone who exists, someone who exists and matters.

I walk. I sit. I can feel the anger coursing through me. I feel cool and warm at the same time. I sit without moving a muscle. I’m stock-still on the outside. But inside, dangerously hot blood runs through me and moves up to my head. I firmly keep my mouth closed so that the bitterness inside me doesn’t overflow. So this is what they mean by “hot-headed”. I have a temper but I’m good with concealing it. Better yet, if I’m numb and unfeeling, I won’t realize how angry I am and have been.

Exhaustion overtakes me and often gets the better of me. I lose myself to darkness and let myself be enfolded by the warm, familiar cocoon of sorrow. I don’t confront it or evade it. I let it have me whole.

I regard him with disgust. I wordlessly stare at her and just walk away. I shake my head and try to forget what just passed my line of vision. I close my ears.

Too often, life is hard to bear. I’m overwhelmed. My hands shake and I drop things. I lose my grasp on reality. I’m not in control. So, I close my eyes and shut out everything and everyone but myself. Then, I’m malleable to whatever life throws at me because I have to be.

Those I want and cherish the most leave me. They came and went but embedded bits of themselves in me. Through their eyes, I know I’m not good enough. Silly as it seems, I justify why they left and try to reform myself into a version they would have liked and maybe, just maybe, would have stayed for. Should they come back, I’ll be exactly who they wanted all along. I’ll belong, perfectly.



Diane Won

Diane writes original, modern, and thought-provoking pieces. Committed to understanding, she loves challenging herself and acquiring new knowledge.