Mission Impossible!

It’s like life is a video game, full of missions waiting to be completed so we can move onto the next one.

Ibrahim Efe
5 min readJul 17, 2024


Photo by Carl Raw on Unsplash

Think about this next question and give it a little time. When was the last time you did something because you wanted to do it — for real? It was a want arising deep within yourself.

You weren’t influenced by social media, your friends, co-workers, or family members. You, yourself wanted to do it and didn’t care about the opinion and approval of others.

How often do we find ourselves in the drivers seat nowadays doing something because our inner voice leads us that way and not because someone else is doing it/telling us we must do it?

Life — if you go on social media and then try to apply what you see on there to your real life — is like it has become a game full of “fun” missions to complete. Just do it, put a checkmark next to it and move onto the next one. It doesn’t matter if it suits you or not. The important thing is that you checked it off from your list.

I want to do this and that, oh, and that as well. That looks cool, fun. Like life is something that needs to be depleted. Like we are filling a success bar.

In reality, these people are just like headless chickens, running from one place to another. They have no sense of direction. No goals. No endpoint in mind. They are just running because they see everyone around them running and think that they have no time to lose. These missions need to be completed.

A sense of purpose is what gives us a sense of direction. No one’s purpose should be to follow in the footsteps of an influencer. That’s not a purpose. That’s being lost and wasting your time trying to live another man’s dream. Or, trying to live a dream conjured by another man so he can strip your uniqueness from you and make us all the same.

Make them dream the same dream as a way to control them and turn them all into modern slaves.

Man was created to follow in his own footsteps, staying true to his purpose. Not to try to walk on the same roads and reach the same destination as everyone else. No wonder we are stepping on each other’s feet in a race to the finish line. We are all using the same road and it’s too crowded.

We have the power to build new roads but they have made us forget our true power. We have been conditioned to expect everything to be given to us rather than working for it and being gratified with inner peace because we have earned it.

We are actually losing so much time trying to live another man’s dream. If we had devoted our energy and time to ourselves, I can assure you that we would be living our ‘own’ dream right now.

My dream would’ve been my reality. Even if that’s not the case for everyone. At least the life I’m living would be mine.

The saddest thing about all of this is that we don’t know that all of this isn’t our dream. We keep lying to ourselves and after a point, we start believing those lies. We really think that we want to do all of these things. That it’s our dream. Our way.

A cat doesn’t try to be a whale. A fish doesn’t try to grow legs so it can be a fox and walk on land. Only in humans do we see people (masses in fact) try to be something/someone other than who they truly are. This is what is making us unhappy. Giving us a disquiet mind and perpetually feeding the restlessness inside.

People who are only themselves can attain true inner-peace.

Life is a road with no start and no finish line. There are no clear winners or losers here on this earth. No missions to be completed. No bucketlists to check off. Don’t you see, all of these self-imposed goals are giving us anxiety.

We get anxious because we spend far too much of our time trying to ‘hit’ these targets. And, when we do, instead of our anxiety going away, it comes back instantly because new missions are waiting to be completed by us. For us?

Caveat. A couple of assumptions are coming your way. These mission seekers tend to be very selfish and shallow. ‘They’ only live for themselves and won’t even lift a bobby pin for someone else so as not to waste their time and energy if it’s not mission-oriented. And they can’t stand anyone who stands between their wants/missions/goals. Nobody get in my lane.

They will try to complete these missions at all costs all in the name of their happiness or success.

‘stay out of my lane.’

Oh, the thrill we get when completing these missions and the addition of new missions while we continue to live is what gets these people in motion and prevents them from stopping, thus, blinding their hearts to the truth.

A life wasted…

You’ll only end up going one place as long as you follow another man’s footsteps — where he’s going. And where he’s headed and where you need to be are two different locations. You shouldn’t expect to get home as long as insist on putting another man’s address in your GPS.

Only want to be yourself and make a way for you to walk on.

Be the first to walk on your road. Don’t look back to see if anyone else is following you and don’t look ahead to see if anyone else has been on that road before. Continue walking even if you feel lonely and a little insecure. Courage will get you through this and courage is not being fearless at all times. Courage is continuing on that road even in the midst of fear and anxiety.

In a life where the world aims to make us follow another man’s steps, my only mission should be to be myself and follow my heart.

Only my heart can give me the right coordinates to find at the right time where I need to be. Where I’m meant to be.

Just be patient.

And follow your heart.

