Mistakes that should be avoided by every parent

Edha Hanjura
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2021

Well, guess what? I am a teenager and I know exactly how you (if you’re a parent) can handle your rebellious teenager!

I would like to mention before we move on, that all of these mistakes are the ones that I have noticed in most parents around me!

Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

Not giving responsibilities

Being a teen myself, I love being responsible for certain jobs like getting curd, milk etc from the market, ironing clothes and sometimes doing random chores.

Some teens do not like responsibilities but I think everyone likes some sort of responsibility on them. I personally feel that responsibility makes me feel accountable.

Often parents think that giving their children a phone or letting them buy something on their own is going to spoil them. I 100% agree to the fact that boundaries need to be kept on teens but parents should also let them explore on their own and let them experience the consequences as well!

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Trust issues

Trust might be just a 5 letter word but that’s what keeps a parent — teen relationship in check. If there is a lack of trust, then there is ample space for misunderstandings between the parent and teen.

I have seen parents who put cameras and walky-talkies with their children. Some parents even suspect their children when they are sitting in the opposite direction.

This created a major issue between parents and teens.

Parents should start trusting their children more rather than putting more boundaries on the kids. As the more you suspect them, the more they are insecure and don’t trust you.

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Start Appreciating

This I think is the most important tip of the whole article.

Appreciation is lost in the current generation of parents. They have forgotten how to appreciate the efforts of their children who study and work so hard every day!

The above comic strip that I have made is exactly what happens to all the teens around the world. Parents just forget how difficult it is to become a student!

Appreciation can be used by motivation by students.

Putting a boundary wall

Most parents make a rulebook for their children when they are young. I have quite a protective father as well (I know how it feels). Putting a boundary on the teen will make matters worse.

Well, did you understand what this means?

This means that if a parent tells a kid not to use their phones for a very long time, being a kid, he/she will be curious why?

They will start going on their phones for a time. They do this out of curiosity to find out what exactly happens if we stay on the phone for a long time.

As parents, you should set some basic rules, but not too many. Let the teens figure out their life and goals on their own!

I hope you found this article informative and it helped you in some way. I hope you liked this post and I will keep you updated every week…

Until then, Goodbye!

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Edha Hanjura

Love reading books, A potterhead and lastly, An optimistic person…