Moms For Fascism

Renaming the group that calls itself “Moms For Liberty”

Randy Fredlund


The Banned Bookmobile
Author-modified image by DeFacto

The conundrum of freedom is that it provides a safe haven for abhorrent thinking. True freedom of speech always allows for dissent and the promotion of ideas contrary to one’s own.

Stamping out abhorrent thought is much worse than tolerating distasteful thinking.

Recent legislation in states with Republican legislative majorities has been attempting to do just that. In Florida, educators cannot mention lifestyles outside a narrowly defined “norm.” Ohio is pushing to gag college professors so that they cannot endorse any controversial belief. The Texas Senate has passed a bill eliminating tenure for new professors as a means for intimidating and controlling pesky professors who might think they are free to teach as they like.

Note that the tools used to limit thought always include fear. The librarian fears losing a job merely because the “wrong” books are on the shelves. The teacher is not allowed to read aloud books not conforming to the Sally, Dick, and Jane school of family structure. Administrators and professors can be reprimanded and fired if the curriculum contains material a certain few find offensive.

And also note who such legislation empowers. A single disgruntled parent can alert authorities to the transgression of leaving a particular book on the shelf, causing reprimands, disciplinary action, or firing. There is no need for the Gestapo when self-righteous parents will do the job.

The hallmark of fascism is fear

Fascists use fear as a motivational tool. A few examples of thought-based firings are enough to put fear into the hearts of the masses.

There are lines we draw. No one wants young children to be exposed to pornography or hateful philosophies fostering inequality. But the responsibility for defining these lines and disciplining those who cross them rests with educators and educational administrators.

It is hypocritical for legislators who constantly remind us of how too much government is ruining our lives to enact legislation that is a clear example of governmental overreach. Overreach enabled by self-styled “thought police.”

“Moms for Liberty,” better termed “Mom’s for Fascism,” call themselves “Joyful Warriors.” They describe being “on a mission to stoke the fires of liberty.” Clearly, they do not understand the concept.

It is not liberty when the values and biases of one group are forced upon another. The “Moms for Liberty” seek only the freedom to impose their will upon others.

These people and their right-wing allies in many Republican-controlled legislatures operate under the guise of protecting children from untoward thought. What they really want is to quash both ideas with which they don’t agree and kill free thinking.

How is that “liberty”?

True liberty dictates acceptance of the right of others to publicize thinking opposed to your own.

The veiled long-term threat of Moms for Fascism is the removal of those who oppose their thinking. Successful in repressing the thoughts of targeted communities, it is unlikely they will stop there. Eradication of writing and thinking of people who speak of LGBTQ and racial issues will be followed by handicapping, repressing, and very possibly eliminating those people.

Fascism always starts small, aligning with popular thinking easy to embrace. Who could disagree with moms who only want to protect their innocent children? Surely removal of a few books is a small price to pay for happy and healthy kids.

The Moms for Fascism are sure this is the case. They know not what they do.



Randy Fredlund

I Write. Hopefully, you smile. Or maybe think a new thought. Striving to present words and pictures you can't ignore. Sometimes in complete sentences.