Monthly Gems Discovered by Agnes Laurens

Why I like reading their stories and what makes them the writer they are

Agnes Laurens
Published in
5 min readJul 14, 2020


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Every now and then I like to be challenged, and getting out of my comfort zone, even when it takes a lot of energy. Dr Mehmet Yildiz challenged us again, here on ILLUMINATION.

I love to discover new writers and read their work.

There are so many incredible writers here on Medium. So I made a list for you with the stories I loved to read from the writers I like.

To be honest: I have so many stories in my read-to-later-list, and sometimes I have the feeling I have no time to read those stories. This challenge forced me to read more stories. That means, one day not writing any story, but reading stories (I am a very slow reader).

But reading those stories, I realized that I have not followed some writers I added to their stories to the reading later list. It is such a shame. And I am so sorry. This challenge made me doing all this. But I just needed a day of reading, but instead, I read articles. And now I am liking them and later this week highlighting those stories.

My Writers List — Stories I Read



Agnes Laurens

Agnes Laurens is a writer. She writes for the local newspaper. Agnes lives in The Netherlands, with three daughters.