Monthly Gems Discovered by Ouarda

ILLUMINATION Writing Challenge



Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Dear B. A. Cumberlidge. You are the first one who claps for my first story. And you clapped a lot. When I saw your 50 claps, I began to smile, then almost cried then laughed. With these claps, you told me that I can write, and that people appreciate read me. I was thrilled, proud. You made me believe in my abilities and gave me the will to pursue writing.
It was my first story, and I didn’t know yet how to publish, how to be seen. Yet, you saw me.
Later, I discovered Illumination. I was a little skeptical at first, but as I find out all the help, the welcoming messages, I’m confident that I will find my place and my self in the Illumination community.

In the article below, you share some conclusions. A particular one resonates with me: « I’m a strong believer in good things happen to good people. » and also, « You definitely can’t lick your elbow. ».




Born in Casablanca, living in the suburb of Paris, mom of 2, Senior Manager in Tech, Passionate about Self Improvement, Happiness and Productivity