Moon Base Lunar25

Another Trip to Oberon

Eric Fermon™


Artwork Courtesy of Author, All Rights Reserved

Moon Base Lunar25 Transfer Station

When I finally arrived on Moon Base Lunar25, my first thought after exiting the landing pod was just how dark dreary and cold this place is. As I stared into the darkness of a somewhat distant lunar cliffside, I thought about how the numbingly quiet atmosphere outside on the moons surface was both liberating and depressive at the same time. The vacuum of space seems almost new every time I experience it, and being at Lunar25 evokes the feeling that I actually belong in our solar systems massively complex array of planetary objects.

The optics are surrealistic, and the shear immensity of the visible space is incomprehensibly clear thanks to the Revo5G Mulnocular visors. The latest version of their visor magnifies and re-balances the definition between close and distant objects, generating a hi-definition field of focus for all visible objects [close and far].

Revo5G’s optics division developed optic fusion tech that increased and expanded cerebral cortex activity into previously underutilized areas of the brain achieving a superlative level of clarity. A clarity that puts object size, location



Eric Fermon™

USAF Veteran, AT&T, Author of: How to Get Your Dream Car; Available at Barnes&Nobel, iBookstore,! Know Your Calling & Stay In Motion!