More Than Manners: Don’t Just Be Polite, Be Predictable

Nagwan Lashin
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2023
Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Back when I was a kid in Egypt, being polite was a big deal. Our families and teachers drilled into us that treating others well and knowing right from wrong was super important. I went to a Catholic school too, and there they taught us not only to be polite but also how to talk nicely, sit properly, and choose when to join in conversations. Politeness seemed like the magical rule that worked everywhere, no matter what.

Politeness Armor

As I grew up and entered the real world, I thought politeness was my superhero shield against awkward situations. We were taught to answer even the rudest questions with a smile and to handle tricky conversations with lots of courtesy. It felt like being polite was the secret code to unlock great social interactions. But as time passed, I realized that being super polite could sometimes cause problems.

The Politeness Puzzle: Two Sides of the Coin

Imagine someone asking you why your hair isn’t as smooth as a Barbie doll’s hair. It’s a weird question, right? Your polite response might be something like, “Oh, my hair is just different, but I like it.” But sometimes, being too polite can make you forget to stand up for yourself.

On The Other Hand — Predictability: Your Social GPS

Predictability isn’t about being robotic, but it’s like having a social GPS. It means people can expect how you’ll react in certain situations. So, going back to the hair talk, instead of just politely dodging the question, you might say, “Yeah, my hair isn’t silky like Barbie’s, but that’s what makes it unique. What about your hair secrets?” This way, you’re being honest and showing that you’re cool talking about anything.

Being Real: The Core of Predictability

Predictability is like showing the real you without pretending. When you’re predictably real, others see the true you, not the polite mask you wear. When you mix predictability with authenticity, conversations become easy and connections get stronger.

So, with the hair talk situation, you could react with a laugh and say, “I’ve wondered about that too! But honestly, I love my hair just the way it is. Who needs Barbie hair, right?” This kind of reply makes everyone laugh and understand you better.

Finding the Right Mix: Politeness and Predictability

As I’ve gone from always being polite to embracing predictability, I’ve learned that both have their magic. Politeness is like a friendly hello, while predictability is like a secret ingredient that makes conversations smooth. They’re not enemies; they’re a team that creates a cool vibe.



Nagwan Lashin

Muslim, Woman, Chief Chaos Commander of one Husband and two Kids. I write about religion, parenting, life, business and all the hilarious moments in between.