
Ievgenii Spitsyn
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2023
Morning in Normandy

Morning city. Quiet, almost deserted. The sleep of Lonely Streets is disturbed only by the timid steps of belated night party-goers and the work of early janitors. The bright dawn is just beginning to reach its first rays through the window, still weakly, timidly, and not confidently.

Coffee is boiling on the stove, and you, who got up 10 minutes ago at exactly 5.32, are still half asleep and don’t understand why you did it. The brain furiously demands to return to such a warm and cozy bed, thoughts are chaotic and confused, and the body, which has not yet woken up, is thrown into the cold. But a few more moments pass and suddenly a bright thought-spark flashes in your head — this is Life!

Very soon you will be walking through this quiet, still sleeping city with your constant backpack to meet the adventure so carefully planned and expected. Maybe it lasts a day, maybe a week, or maybe a year. You will no longer be the same, you will gain new impressions, friends, and emotions. You will become wiser, stronger, and more experienced. On this day, month, and year you will Live!

And now, inspired, you are already rushing around the kitchen, preparing breakfast, packing your backpack, and making the last preparations before leaving. A little more time passes and now you are stepping on the threshold, turning the key in the lock, casting a fleeting glance at the door, at the morning sky, and taking your first step, a step into the future, a step towards a different you. The weakness from getting up in the morning has vanished as if by hand, the body is vigorous and fresh, thoughts are clear, and anticipation flares up in the brain with a bright dawn, anticipation of Life!

Yes, you definitely love Life!…

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash



Ievgenii Spitsyn

IT engineer, explorer, and socially active person. I'm an enthusiastic traveler, who visited 54 countries and plans to explore way more.