Morning Routines Everyone MUST Follow from 2021

A must-have new year resolution for a productive year ahead

6 min readDec 30, 2020


So, it's finally that time of the year when we make a lot of promises to ourselves and forget them by a week.

2020 has already been such havoc, we just can't afford to waste this new beginning and lament on it later.

Let's get pumped with true enthusiasm and make most of 2021 right from the start.

Photo by Andreas Klassen on Unsplash

Here’s a list of 8 amazing morning habits for a better lifestyle and massive productivity.

These are not any hard and fast rules. These are just the habits that I feel can bring a great difference.

1. EARLY to bed, EARLY to rise

Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise — Benjamin Fraanklin

This is the most basic thing to do but at the same time, the hardest one. We often tend to procrastinate to just wake up. Many people also like to work hard all night and sleep late.

But in many aspects, we know that this can affect our health badly. So, it's always better to sleep early on time and waking up before the sunrise. The morning time is very precious as our minds are clear of any worldly thoughts.

Many artists and creators love this time and invest in their work. Mornings can bring out a masterpiece that we have tried to create for a long time. On the contrary, at night our mind tends to be full of thoughts that we collected during the day. This hinders the creative side of our brain.

Waking up early also gives us the perfect time for meditating as there are no noises, no disturbances which can ease our meditation. A quiet room is very good for doing meditation.

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2. Do meditation

The goal of meditation isn’t to control your thoughts, it’s to stop letting them control you — Buddha

First of all, what is meditation?

Meditation is thinking something very deeply that we are so engrossed and we don't think about anything else. Whenever we are doing what we love to do we often forget what's going on around us. That is meditation.

People also have a notion that we have to clear our whole mind and not think about anything while we are meditating. But that is not true because we are going against the law that governs our mind. Our mind has that one job of thinking and we are forcing it to stop that. This is the reason why many fail to do meditation.

When we sit for meditation, we just need to make sure we are thinking about one thing and not getting distracted by other thoughts. We can imagine god and how much we are grateful to him for giving us this chance to prove ourselves. This is just one way which I follow. There are many types of meditations that you can explore and choose what fits you well. The main purpose is to purify the mind and to be a happy soul.

Photo by Ksenia Makagonova on Unsplash

3. Do yoga or any exercise

With yoga, not only your body should become flexible. Your mind and emotions, and all your consciousness should become flexible — Sadhguru

For a healthy body and mind, it is very important to carry out yoga or exercises daily. This can benefit us in various ways. The whole body remains disease-free. It strengthens the bones and muscles. The brain performs to its optimum level. The laziness vanishes.

We should always remember the fact that when we try to live an easy life, life gets harder, and when we live life in a hard way, we are already ready to face the difficulties of life which makes our life easy.

Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

4. Eat a healthy breakfast

You are what you eat!

Eating habits are what we tend to overlook. But we should highly consider this aspect as well.

We often succumb to the desires of the tongue and eat unhealthy food. A healthy diet is important which will help our immunity to boost.

Unhealthy diets damage our health as well as make us lethargic. There are various food choices to make too. If we eat too spicy food more often, that can trigger our mind and make us angry at times. That's why it is always recommended to have simple healthy food on our palette.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

5. Set the proper schedule for the rest of the day

Time management is Life management — Robin Sharma

For wasting as little as time possible, set your priorities for the day beforehand in the morning. This will help you to manage all the tasks very easily which may not seem to accomplish without a proper plan.

We only waste time when we don't know what to do or even if know what to do, we are not motivated enough to carry out that task on time. Waking up early successfully, already gives us enough motivation to carry out the rest of the tasks on time.

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

6. Hygiene is two-thirds of health

Never underestimate the power of a proper hygiene.

Sometimes we also compromise on our hygiene because we think that we are too busy. But being busy should not be any kind of excuse for not having proper hygiene.

Hygiene is very important as it has a direct connection with our health. Poorer hygiene, poorer health.

So start the day with proper personal hygiene and maintain it for rest of the day.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

7. Motivate yourself every single day

Why to only get motivated when we fail, motivate yourself each and every day then there will be no chance of failures in your way!

There are many mediums to stay motivated. Some of them which I personally use are reading self-help books, spiritual books, and watching videos that teaches me new perspectives on life.

Make sure to inculcate these small bits of motivation every morning. On the contrary, don't read/watch too much otherwise that will lead to wastage of time rather than utilizing it.

Photo by Prateek Katyal on Unsplash

8. Find your own perfect blend

Lastly, with all the things that you know now, find the perfect mixture of activities that suits you best.

All the best for the beautiful journey and don't forget to love yourself!

Photo by Noah Näf on Unsplash

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