Most Devilish Form Of Narcissism?

Malignant Narcissism

Dr. Psychology


Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

The most diabolical form of narcissism? According to the researchers, yes, malignant narcissism is considered the most devilish kind of narcissism. Also, there have been references where psychologists have directly compared malignant narcissism with psychopathy.

Generally, the other types of narcissism which are more prevalent and acknowledged by DSM-5, do not have the dark intensity to be compared with psychopathy. But malignant narcissism has comorbid features of other dark mental disorders like Anti-social personality disorder & Sadism, overall making it a malevolent force.

Malignant Narcissism

It is a highly abusive form of narcissism, where the individual experiences intense satisfaction from hurting people to get his/her way. Unlike NPD, malignant narcissism has a dark segment to it with co-morbid features of antisocial personality, sadism, & aggression which makes it the most harmful form of narcissism.

How Is Malignant Narcissism Different?

Malignant Narcissism is not considered a diagnosis while Narcissistic Personality Disorder is. Although malignant narcissism is not considered a diagnosis by clinical psychologists, it is a more prevalent term in criminology which used to…



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