Most People Don’t Know This Internet Hacking Genius Who Took His Life

Everyone should know his name. His impact is once in a generation.

Tim Denning
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2023


Image credit-Wikipedia Creative Commons

Remarkable individuals are once in a generation.

In the 1990s a 14 year old would go on to have one of the most remarkable careers in tech.

It’s not the money he made from his ventures that’s impressive. No. It’s the complex problems he solved that we’re still using today. When I watched the documentary about his life 9 years ago, it stuck with me. I’d never felt this much emotion toward a person working in tech.

Let me share the story because most people have never heard of him.

The most impressive career history you’re ever likely to see

At 14 he helped create RSS feeds which we still use today.

He also was a big part of making creative commons licenses become a working thing on the internet. He went on to develop the markdown language, too, that many note-taking apps (Notion, Roam) and websites use as a text file format.

In 2005 he enrolled at Stanford and left after the first year. The Y-Combinator program run by Paul Graham wanted his talents.



Tim Denning

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