Most People Won’t Be Successful — Here’s Why (And How to Fix It)

The Secret to Winning in Life

Kurtis Pykes


Created by the author using Midjourney

You can be rich, lonely, and miserable all at the same time.

Money doesn’t cure non-money problems.

The common response is, “Yeah, but I’d rather be unhappy inside a Range.

This is usually from people who’ve never made real progress in their lives. They regurgitate what their favorite rapper says without taking the context of the artist who made the statement into account.

But it was only recently I came to the conclusion that success isn’t just about how much money you have to your name.

As my income and net worth have grown, I’ve realized success is more about becoming the best version of yourself in all areas of life.

I love Benjamin Hardy's definition of success: “Success is continuously improving who you are, how you live, how you serve, and how you relate.

So, what’s the reason most people won’t become successful?

It’s not that they don’t evolve, they do.

The problem is the more evolved you become, the more focused you must be on what truly matters.



Kurtis Pykes

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for high-ticket B2B service founders.