Mother Earth: Plea for Help

Help me breathe so I can help you breathe

Soojin Jun, PharmD


Mother Earth crying for help. Pollution destructing our environment is an urgent issue that everyone needs to jump in.
Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels

Are you listening?

Mother Earth cries

I’m hot!

The voice dissipates

Because She is suffocating

Because She is wrapped in plastic

Because She is used for our own good

Because that happens when

We choose easy over Her way

Some say Her voice is fake

Some ignore Her voice

Some don’t care

Some give up

I hear Her cry

And I cry too

I say

I hear you

I ask

How can I change

People’s obsession on





She murmurs

With a deep inspiration

And an expiration

What will matter?

If I cannot breathe

Your agenda

Your goal

Your success

Your loved ones

Will be gone

When I take

The last breath

So help me first

So I can help you




Soojin Jun, PharmD

Cofounder of Patients for Patient Safety US. Owner of I am Cheese pub. Pharmacist and empathy believer. Check out and & be a hero!