Motivation 101

Debra Emerson
Published in
3 min readApr 13, 2021


Dangling a carrot in the time of Covid

Photo by Hana Mara from Pexels

A special twenty-two-year-old college student, like a niece to me, shared her woes about distance learning online and some on-site learning but with Covid restrictions and not feeling in a groove nor motivated to “hit the books.”

This young lady was the speaker at her high school commencement, in the Honor Society, and a natural-born leader in so many ways. She gets things done! But she is struggling right now.

Well, we all struggle sometimes and this past year certainly added a few more layers of weight to lift in the everyday workout of life.

So I shared one of my secrets.

Dangle a carrot.

The carrot or the stick?

Dangling a carrot is a simple strategy to be reminded of in complex times and more effective than being hit with a stick to prod one forward, in my opinion.

I told her about my weight loss goal at the moment and that I came up with two rewards to work toward. One is when I am halfway there, and the other is when I reach the finish line. And I am happy to say I am almost at my halfway reward point!

But these are long-term goals. I also have short-term goals, which is what this college girl needed.



Debra Emerson

Educator and writer who loves nature, people, life, and making the world a better place. You can visit her at