Motivation Running Low? These 2 Effective Techniques Will Get You Back on Track

My Strategies for Regaining Lost Motivation In the Pursuit of Goals

Nnamdi Samuel
4 min readNov 7, 2023


Photo by Tamara Bellis on Unsplash

It’s normal to run out of motivation. You’re human! What exactly do you do to keep the fire burning again?

As humans, we never run out of goals. Every accomplished goal precedes another. After every goal, we look forward to getting another. We’re never satisfied. That’s human nature!

So, almost all the time in our lives, we aim toward achieving a goal—maybe financial, relationship, health, or spiritual. It could be anything! We just get our bags and hit the road in pursuit of them.

For some reason along the line, we get our eyes off the goals, and gradually the fire wanes until it quenches.

There’s nothing wrong with feeling less motivated. What matters most is our ability to come back to our feet and keep the fire burning again.

When down and out of motivation, either you nurture the feeling and completely lose sight of your goals or you make a proper evaluation, tackle the root cause, and gradually keep the fire burning again. Either of these things happens.

For me, the latter has always been the case for every important goal I aim to achieve. I sit back and make an adequate reflection on my status, tackling the root cause to come back again.

Reconnecting with your “why”

For every goal you have currently, there’s a reason you began the journey towards its achievement.

As we journey toward achieving our goals, we frequently become immersed in our daily activities, occasionally diverting our focus from the larger objectives. Sometimes, these activities may rank as a close substitute for the big fish, and this may even lead to complacency and finally get our eyes off completely.

Consciously make efforts to fix your gaze on the big fish! Despite your numerous engagements, constantly think about it.

One thing you should always keep in check is the intensity of the fire with which you began.

Ask yourself questions. Make proper evaluations. Reflect.

At times, there may be actions ahead of you that have the potential to profoundly impact your life, foster enduring and positive relationships, enhance your longevity, or elevate your financial well-being. You may even be certain to hit your target when you take these actions, but due to insufficient drive, you drag your feet toward them.

When I find myself at this point, here’s what I do:

I take myself back to where I was when I began the journey. What do I mean? Some thoughts made you go crazy about achieving your goals. You may have thought of your life in the end and the many benefits if you reach the finish line.

Bring those thoughts alive again!

I think about my reasons for going after my goals and how important they are to me. Think about the penalties if they are not accomplished. Make conscious efforts to bring back the memories.

If those reasons are still valid, that is, if you still have the reasons to pursue the goals, you’ll gradually rekindle the fire.

Go on a tour

Sometimes, it may not be enough to bring back the exact level of motivation through thoughts.

People have achieved the goals we currently have. These people can serve as a great source of inspiration. Sometimes, these people are in our neighborhood. They could be our friends or even our siblings.

Make intentional visits, primarily to remind yourself of your future personality.

In some cases, you may need to visit places and draw inspiration.

For example, if you have financial goals and have a picture of how you will live your life when you attain financial abundance, visit places you would visit when the finances pour in; be caught in an aura of luxury.

I do this often, especially when I have financial goals. After a tour like this, I get reignited and continue the work of reaching my promised land.

Final thoughts

In the relentless pursuit of our goals and dreams, inevitably, motivation will sometimes wane, leaving us feeling adrift and uncertain.

However, as we’ve explored in this article, running out of motivation need not be a roadblock but rather an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. By embracing the two essential strategies we’ve discussed—reconnecting with your “why” and seeking inspiration from others—you can reignite the flames of enthusiasm and propel yourself forward, even in the face of adversity.

Remember, motivation is not a constant; it’s a dynamic force that ebbs and flows. But it’s within these fluctuations that we have the chance to uncover our inner strength and resilience.

So, the next time you find yourself facing a motivational slump, don’t despair. Instead, reflect on your reasons for pursuing your goals and seek inspiration from the experiences of others.

With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be better equipped to reignite your passion and keep moving steadfastly toward the accomplishments that await you.



Nnamdi Samuel

Lifelong learner || Productivity Enthusiast || Engineer