Movies That Moved Me

And the lessons they teach my kids.

Emily🌻Mingledorff aka Mamadorff Writes


Best movies
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

The first time I viewed Titanic is still fresh in my memory.

I felt the excitement and anticipation of the journey. I saw the breathtaking beauty and glamor of the ship, and I felt the combination of denial and acceptance of its demise…

The movie set my mind in motion about things I had never thought of. Like the characters…who were they, what problems were they facing, what joys awaited them at their destination?

I was different after seeing it on the big screen.

That’s what the most profound movies do — — they change us.

Whether it’s a character you admire, a plot that hooks you, or a theme that resonates so deeply you can’t escape it, the best movies transform you and leave you wanting more.

Here are some of my favorite movies, why they changed my life, and why I will watch them again and again with my daughter.

Dead Poet’s Society

the best movies of my time
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Robin Williams is arguably the most genius actor of all time. His role in Dead Poet’s Society as a teacher at an all-boys boarding school was a masterpiece.

The movie taught me how courageous words, ideas, and teachers change the world when they’re lived authentically.

It motivated me to write, act and live to inspire authenticity and add beauty to the world.

Steel Magnolias

Steel Magnolias is the touching tale of six small-town southern ladies.

The Best Movies of My Time
Photo by Chelsea Audibert on Unsplash

The rich widow, the grumpy old lady, the family matriarch, the young beauty coming of age, the working wife whose marriage feels empty, and the girl with a shady past have one thing in common: Truvy’s beauty parlor.

The homespun story reminds me that misery does not discriminate against age, race, faith, or gender. Everyone experiences pain.

Yet each of us grieves in our own way. And while we endure what life throws at us, we need friends to help us cope.

Of course, life is more enjoyable if our friends are funny! Oh, and we will surely look better through adversity if one of our friends can do our hair.

The Notebook

It’s based on a Nicholas Sparks novel, so you know it’s going to be passionately powerful if nothing else.

The Notebook is the story of a young couple separated by meddling parents, war, and circumstances beyond their control. And yet…their beautiful relationship survives.

When I watch The Notebook, I’m reminded that our stories matter. Writing them not only preserves precious memories but can remind us of who we were, who we are, and who we want to be.

It also reminds me that true love perseveres and endures.

The Best Movies of My Time
Photo by Mike Tinnion on Unsplash

Hacksaw Ridge

I want my kids to see that following their convictions can make a difference in the world. And this movie shows that more than any movie I’ve ever seen.

During World War II, conscientious objector Desmond T. Doss won the prestigious Medal of Honor without firing a shot. Hacksaw Ridge is his harrowing story of Hacksaw Ridge in Okinawa.

The Best Movies of My Time
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

I’m a sucker for war movies anyway, but this one moves me differently.

The bloody and tragic Hackshaw Ridge reminds me that true bravery looks different.

It’s not just the courage to fight but the audacity to refuse how others define bravery that sets true heroes apart.

The Shack

The Best Movies of My Time
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

This movie changed my life. Many religious friends consider it heresy. I disagree.

This movie (based on the novel) is a brilliant search for God’s work amid a horrible, seemingly God-forsaken world.

God doesn’t create tragedy, and yet he works through it. He shows up in unexpected ways, refusing to fit into any of the boxes we’ve created as we attempt to understand Him.

This movie reminds us how fortunate we are that God doesn’t fit inside our boxes. He is bigger than our ideas about religion, grace, redemption, and forgiveness…

The Story of Us

Ok, this isn’t a movie I’m going to watch with my daughter until she’s much older. But I want all my kids to watch it before they get married. It is heart-wrenchingly accurate.

The Best Movies of My Time
Photo by JAN Pictures on Unsplash

In short, it shows that sometimes marriage sucks. Other times it’s amazing.

The reality of marriage is somewhere in the middle, and the waves of life make that reality shift back and forth.

And yet the waves of the journey don’t have to break us.

We can survive the storms and thrive on the other side when both parties hold on, patch leaks, work together to raise the sails, and pray for the wind only God can provide.

Runaway Bride

I’ve already watched this with my daughter. When the movie was over, we sat in the living room and discussed it at length.

The Best Movies of My Time
Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

Here is the short version of our conversation:

My question: do you know what kind of eggs you like?

Her response: no.

My advice: figure it out before you fall in love.

Live enough, search enough, and love yourself enough to figure out who you are rather than shift like sand for every relationship you have.

The Last of the Mohicans

I’ve watched this movie countless times. Watching it with my kids just gives me an excuse to watch it again!

The Best Movies of My Time
Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

What can I say? It’s classic literature, extraordinary filmmaking, and the rugged, oh-so-beautiful Daniel Day-Lewis. ❤️

Good movies are entertainment. But the best movies offer visual versions of heartfelt life lessons, hope amid crisis, and above all, love.

What are your favorite movies to share as your kids get older?



Emily🌻Mingledorff aka Mamadorff Writes

Christian freelancer, educator, traveler, mental health advocate, & blogger! Let's talk military-spouse-life, mom-life, &ministry.