Mud Dauber

William J Spirdione
Published in
Mar 22, 2021


A sonnet

Photo by William J Spirdione

Climb up the ladder to repair air vent,
Mud daubers nest causing problems, no doubt.
Pile of clay with a hole and its content,
Grab an old trowel and scrape it on out.

Falls to the concrete deck and breaks apart,
The morning light comes streaming through the door.
Two yellow larvae lie still, yet impart,
Luminous life force glowing on the floor.

Deeply asleep, it’s the end of winter,
Knowing I couldn’t begin to save them,
Sadness, watching sunlit clay dust linger,
I scoop and toss outside where they came from.

They probably will be eaten by birds,
Any life is worth at least these mere words.



William J Spirdione

William J Spirdione is a poet who writes sonnets and more about nature and the humans within it.