Multiple Choice Subject

what can do talk about upright?

Bonard Walton


A person can’t become a freely who stands upright, it is a meals for the no soul thinking. Because in the run away, everyone can’t live without the air, and a person who cannot get rid of the air is not free. A person cannot escape the control of death, and everyone will die as a matter of course. A mortal person, what can he talk about standing upright? We are just little passers-by in this world, and there are many things we can’t do anything about.

At present in the USA, those who shout about liberalism are characterized by their unwillingness to be slaves of God, so they must and to some extent have become slaves of the Democratic Party. Communism is on its way to victory in United State, and catastrophe is upon everyone who doesn’t love God. This is a human nature. When I realized my weakness, my lingering limitation. Let us think about it quietly, people are finite, ignorant, and powerless, everyone must admit their finiteness, and acknowledging finiteness means that we are always in a state of slavery. The question is, do you choose to be a slave of this filthy and evil world, lingering in the abyss of desire and indulgence; or choose to be a slave of God, surrendering your body and soul to God? This is the greatest multiple-choice question in life.



Bonard Walton

Freelance Writer. Leftist critic. Here I recently started writing for a living as a professional paid writer. I enjoys writing about numerous topic