Multiplexes Need To Do This

We were waiting at the popcorn counter

Piyush Vaish
2 min readDec 24, 2023


Image by the Author


We decided to take a break during the movie.

I told my wife, “Let’s go get some popcorn and coffee. I’ll quickly use the restroom, and you can order from the counter.”

After a quick bathroom break, I returned to my seat and watched the ads, waiting for my wife to return before the movie started.

Curious about her delay, I called her.

She explained she was waiting in line, and her turn was next, but the person in front was taking a while with his credit cards.

She told me to call her when the movie begins.

Suddenly, the movie started.

I called her, and she was still at the counter about to place her order.

This got us thinking: why not have a status display for the movie, like a countdown timer, showing how many minutes are left before it starts?

Why I think it is easy to do?

Because only 2 places need to show the status, since these are the main places people go during a break. These are :

1. Washroom
2. Beverage counter

Having a timer displayed there could help everyone, especially those visiting the theatre alone, reducing their anxiety about missing the start of the movie while waiting in line for snacks or using the restroom.

What do you think of the idea? Is it already implemented in your area?

About Me

I am Piyush Vaish. A Developer turned Designer and an Online Writer.
I am on a mission to build a brand without a niche.

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Piyush Vaish

Developer turned Designer. On a mission to normalize writing without a niche.