My 12 Answers: Making Sense of My Lockdown Moments

A reflective essay thinking about my time in lockdown

Keno Ogbo


Am empty street
Photo by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash

I was in the middle of brunch (left over akara¹ with a green salad) when a thought popped into my head, “you should answer the questions posed in the article below.”

Here are my answers

  1. What have you missed the most during in lockdown?

Nothing. Life in lockdown is pretty much the same as life before lockdown. I ran my own business working from home and I am an introvert. I loved the worship at church, dancing and visiting friends, but I have successfully replaced that with writing, online chats and long walks in the forest. I miss going to my local coffee shop to write, but not very much.

2. What’s the best thing about being in lockdown?

Discovery: Lockdown has been a journey of discovery. From the nature reserve behind my house to finding I could live with family for weeks without an argument, learning new ways to look after my hair, and most importantly, giving me time to figure…



Keno Ogbo

A stochastic writer, delving into life, tech and fiction. Writing from her West African background, she tackles old issues with a fresh perspective.