My 22 Month Long Issue Is Finally Resolving Itself

How I became unified in my decision



Photo by Sean Roy on Unsplash

Have you ever felt like you’re rotating around an issue? Round and round in loopty loops? An outward composure can oftentimes be accompanied by the harshest of mental gymnastics, with a whole world unfolding up there, with new creations and rabbit holes spawning in every far-flung corner.

“Welcome to the club” is an expression I’ve heard many times from my guru’s wife and friend, Wendy. This is the nature of the mind.

These past 22 months have been a wonderful ride infused with intense emotional realisations. Where this all started was my awakening to my desire to share the depth of wisdom I’ve realised in myself through learning under my guru Michael, tuning into my emotional states, and studying the reality around us all.

The problem arises when I try to share this with people. Immense blockages which have always dwelt in me rise to the surface almost as the guardians of my inner self, desperately trying to spare me from my escape.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?

The outside world is dangerous, they tell me, you could be seen or worse heard, and feedback can be as tough as nails and as brutal as a black mambas poison.




I find bliss in creating things & I help you realise your own power. Get in touch to find out more…