My 23 and Me Test Didn’t Tell Me Much, but It’s Still Cool.

Is a DNA test worth the money?

Adan Kovinich


Photo by CDC on Unsplash

For Christmas two years ago, my family bought me a 23 and Me testing kit.

23 and Me is a DNA test kit that allows you to find other relatives with the same DNA, health risks, and your exact geographic heritage.

My mother doesn’t know her father, so there is a lot of mystery there. It would be neat to see my cousins from around the globe as well.

As soon as I got the box opened, I signed up with an account on the website and spat into the tube. I then sent it off to a lab where they would dissect my DNA. If my DNA is ever used for cloning purposes, I am sorry. The world doesn’t need another version of me.

I was excited to see if I was my father’s child — as he has taken the test. What a plot twist if he secretly wasn’t my father.

My next question was: are my sister and me, biological siblings. I always had doubts. Seriously, my sister and I look nothing alike.

After two very long weeks, I got results. I am European. Big surprise, because I am entirely white. I have an increased risk for Celiac Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease, and I have 1400 relatives.




Adan Kovinich

I am an anxious 20-something-year old writing about all things sales, finance, love, sex, and mental illness.