My 3 Golden Rules to Never Burnout Again

Knowing these sooner would’ve saved me some time.

Justin Boyette


Photo by Abbat on Unsplash

When you place nearly all your self-worth into the work you produce, being burnt out is the fastest way to make a mirror look like shit.

In hindsight, I had set myself up for cyclical disappointment. Brute-force creativity — the love-child of Desperation and Impatience — and a lack of inspirational input are the perfect conditions for artistic failure.

And burnout.

For nearly two years, I wrestled with the worst writer’s block of my career. During this time, I hated everything I made. Sometimes I hated myself.

That’s a terrible way to live.

But in recent history, I’ve discovered what it takes to go from a starving artist to a thriving one.

Here are my three golden rules that let me elevate myself and will help you do the same:

1 — Work hard, play hard. But play hard twice.

The best advice I’ve ever received was from a hippie who sleeps on the floor. Take fun seriously.

In Digital Minimalism, Cal Newport mentions the idea of “beneficial leisure,” an activity that:

  • Has to be demanding of your physical and mental

