My 7 Go-To macOS Apps For You to Get More Done Everyday

Finally, I found the perfect combination of macOS apps.

Anshul Kummar


Photo by Yu Kato on Unsplash

Whenever I see a list of the “Best macOS applications,” I want to slam my head against a wall since the suggested applications are nearly the ones I already used.

I appreciate the recommendation, but there’s no need for an “expert” to tell me to use Chrome, Slack, or VLC Player.

I relish routinely downloading and experimenting with new applications. But unfortunately, I deleted several of them since none of them passed my sniffing test for effectiveness.

I’m only giving you the ones that have managed to stay in my Launchpad/Applications folder.

Table Of Contents

1. iA Writer.
2. Simplenote.
3. HUSH.
4. Imageoptim.
5. MindNode.
6. aText.
7. Franz5.

1. iA Writer.

This list’s first program is a well-known writing tool that, with its distraction-free workspace, pushes the boundaries of simplicity.



Anshul Kummar

Writer I YouTuber I Productivity Enthusiast I AI & Entrepreneur. Connect with Me: