My ‘Ah-ha’ Moment When it Came to Newsletters

I didn’t get it at first

2 min readMar 1, 2024


Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash

When I jumped into ‘Solopreneur X’, I saw people gushing over newsletters.

Newsletter this.

Newsletter that.

Newsletters are the king.

I didn’t get it…

My thoughts were that newsletters were:

. Something to add to your arsenal for fun.

. Good for celebrities and the very top creators.

. A chance to advertise my new releases and services.

. Post articles that will direct readers to affiliate links.

Being all positive and stuff, I decided I’d make one, but I didn’t get how they were so lucrative.

At first, I was thinking, ‘Why would people even care about my newsletter?’

This stopped when I joined X.

I immediately signed up for any newsletter with a half decent looking giveaway.

The strength of a lead magnet became clear to me. Providing value will attract eyeballs and keep them there.

The question remained…

If giveaways were so great, then there would be pressure to giveaway everything. That’s cool at first, but at some point, I’m going to want to sell.

Clear money makers like:

. Affiliate links.

. Future courses.

. My writing services.

They are there, but they are few and far between, at least at first.

Then I saw a tweet from Nicholas Cole.

He didn’t even explain how it’s monetizable. He put ‘paid newsletter’ as one of five ways he made a lot of money.

Then I realized…

The various paths that I can get on the backend of my newsletter are a bonus, if anything.

The newsletter itself is monetizable.

I see new creators getting over a thousand subscribers on their newsletters. They won’t be paying in most cases. Down the line, after providing free value, people will be eager to stick around.

For someone at the level of Nicholas Cole, how many would be willing to pay $1, $2, or $6 to get his content.

The trick?

Make it a bargain.

You’re selling a month’s worth of value and releasing it at a knock-down price. You’re also packaging it with a bunch of other stuff in an easy-to-read format.

If 1,000 people sign-up at $2 a month, then we can start seeing how things can go crazy with some consistency.

So, the plan is…

. Speed run towards a newsletter that’s competitive.

. Build a monthly content creation system to add value.

. Grow my social media profile and get a lot of email followers.

To those who hadn’t figured it out yet…I hope this helped!

