My Alter Ego Is A Children’s Writer

She stopped my criminal career in its tracks — but only temporarily

Penny Grubb
Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2021


Book cover reproduced with permission from Fantastic Books Publishing

When I took a break from crime (writing about it, I mean) to create a children’s book, I had no idea who I was about to meet. I was still wrestling with the swap from 21st century policing to the angst- and dilemma-ridden life of the pre-teenager in the modern world, when my publisher told me:

“You’re a crime writer. You can’t leave your lane.”

Secretly pleased to find I had a lane — after a lifetime of being all over the road — I asked what the consequences were for the book, and was introduced to my alter ego.

“Meet Melodie Trudeaux, author of Horse of a Different Colour.”

I shook hands with myself — not the easiest manoeuvre but I’ve weathered worse.

“How do you do, Melodie. I’m Penny. I have a lane.”

And so Melodie Trudeaux entered my life. She’s a fantasy and sci-fi fan who would love to visit the International Space Station. She has a website, and blogs regularly about space travel and horses.

Horse of a Different Colour was published in 2016, which immediately spawned the problem of the sequel. It needed one. Melodie and I had plans but here’s the problem — it’s busy in my lane. And when…



Penny Grubb

An award-winning crime novelist & long-time amateur poultry keeper, who specialised in teaching methods, healthcare & software engineering as an academic.