My “American Dream” Died Today After Discovering This

I’m mourning the hopes that have kept me alive for the past 32 years.

Jessey Anthony


Why American Families Are Leaving the US for Europe
Image by freepik

As a young child living in one of the poorest countries in the world, the American Dream was sold to us on a gold platter.

I have always liked the princess movies. Growing up, I was a girly girl and the idea of the princesses being rescued by her princes struck me as nothing but a “perfect love” life.

Living in a diamond castle, having fairies make your wishes come true with the wave of a wand, flying unicorns taking you anywhere around the world, and talking animals transformed into princes or princesses with a simple kiss was the magical life America offered.

On the Eve of New Year 1996, I made a wish that I was going to live in an enchanted castle with my prince and children. I promised to study hard and be an obedient girl until my prince found me.

Shortly after high school, I found my prince. We were happy. But that didn’t last long. I got into an accident which made me paralyzed and I found out in the hospital bed that I was pregnant.

My prince got scared and couldn’t take the burden of caring for a paralyzed girl and a baby so he abandoned me emotionally but supported our child’s upkeep from afar.



Jessey Anthony

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: