My American (Pipe) Dream

Is life in America truly a dream come true for every Immigrant? Is this truly a land of the free?

Sapna M
Published in
6 min readJan 31, 2021


Image Credit: Burden

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, said Lao Tzu. My journey of 8500 miles, started on an airplane, in the early 90s.

By personal choice I left India, my birth home, to come to the West Coast of America. My little knowledge of this country came from movies, books, and MTV (unapologetically). America has some of the top Universities in the world and that was a huge influencing factor as well.

The land of the free and home of the brave?

Says “The Star-Spangled Banner”, the national anthem of the United States. Yes, I did come here for freedom, nothing spectacular, just freedom from Indian family traditions. It was the underlying reason for moving halfway across the globe, to an alien country.

A country that literally calls its immigrant population, ‘Resident Aliens’.

Irrespective of this odd label, millions swarm to their local U.S. embassy for a chance to enter America and call it home.

I was unwittingly part of this statistic.

I had no long-term plans of becoming an American citizen but as years rolled by and life…



Sapna M

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