My Asian Culture

The one thing that culture taught me.

Thong Teck Yew
2 min readJun 4, 2020


Photo by Lily Banse on Unsplash

Here I am, living in a first-world country — Singapore. I recalled the childhood that I had when I was young. The time I played with my Indian friend, Rashnan. Not with tear gas, but with water bombs. Not with racist words, but with compliments to one another. That was the kind of friendship we had.

Instead of tears, we had laughter. Instead of bang, we had a splash. Instead of sufferings, we had happiness. The childhood I had was beyond words. As I slowly grew up into the teenager I am now, I began to see the world clearly.

Throughout the years, I have experienced difficulties from various sources of my life. Negativity, violence, cyberbullying. There is so much more, but none of them made me proud of who I am today.

There is a Chinese saying that goes “助人为快乐之本”, and that, in English, means —

Helping others is the foundation of happiness.

That was what I have been taught since I was young, and it has been with me for the past 20 years of my life.

In this world, we have to appreciate one another and help each other out. No matter what issues we face, the ones that emerge out are the ones who help others voluntarily.

I always believe in this,

Help yourself by helping others. Help others if you want them to help you.

Our moral values of being humans lie deep in the core of our hearts, and I am proud of being in an Asian Culture.

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Thong Teck Yew

A university student specializing in Data Analytics. Lover of technology that wants to share his piece on life. This is the platform where I can be myself.