My Aunt’s Inspiring 45 Pound Weight Loss Journey

Aysha Khan
Published in
5 min readJan 23, 2024
Photo by Gabby Landsverk from Business Insider

My Aunt has struggled with being overweight for most of her adult life. In her late 40s, her weight had crept up to nearly 150 pounds on her 5'4" frame. This excess weight was negatively impacting her health and mobility. She had trouble climbing stairs and got winded easily from any physical exertion. Emotionally, My Aunt lacked self-confidence and energy due to the extra pounds. She knew something needed to change, but struggled to find an approach that worked for her.

The Lifestyle Changes That Helped Her Lose Weight

In January 2021, My Aunt decided to make some incremental lifestyle changes to improve her health and lose weight:

  • She started taking semaglutide, a new peptide that helps regulate appetite and blood sugar. Her doctor prescribed semaglutide and it helped her eat less without feeling hungry or deprived.
  • She cut out sugary sodas, juices, and unhealthy snacks like chips and sweets. Instead she focused on adding nutritious foods into her diet like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  • She began cooking quick, simple meals at home several times per week rather than eating out so often. This allowed her to control the portions and ingredients in her meals.
  • While allowing herself occasional treats, She practised portion control. As she put it, “I still enjoyed a few squares of dark chocolate when I wanted something sweet!”

How She Lost Weight Slowly But Surely

She took things slowly and celebrated small successes along the way. She didn’t expect to lose weight overnight with a crash diet. But over time, the pounds began coming off as her metabolism increased with her new activity routine and added muscle mass from regular walking. The semaglutide helped regulate her appetite so she could stick to appropriate portion sizes. Within the first couple months, she had lost her first 10 pounds through her new healthy habits. This motivated her to keep going. Over the next 10 months, as she stuck consistently to her lifestyle changes and semaglutide, the weight loss accelerated and she dropped another 35 pounds.

Her Keys to Successful Weight Loss

When I asked my aunt what she felt were the keys to her successful 45 pound weight loss journey, she emphasized a few important strategies:

  • Taking semaglutide: This peptide helped curb her appetite so she could eat nutritious foods in appropriate portions without feeling starved or deprived. It regulated her blood sugar as well.
  • Focusing on positive choices daily, not perfection. She stressed that she didn’t restrict foods or follow rigid diet rules. Her approach was making the healthiest choice in each moment but not feeling guilty if she had the occasional indulgence.
  • Finding a supportive weight loss community. She joined an online weight loss community where participants encouraged each other as they worked towards health goals. She said this accountability and cheerleading was invaluable.
  • Making incremental changes over time. Rather than a dramatic overhaul, she slowly incorporated changes like adding exercise, cooking more at home, and controlling portions. These small steps added up to big results over months.
  • Change coming from within, not external pressure. She believes her weight loss was successful because it was intrinsically motivated. She wanted to get healthier and feel better about herself. That desire came from within, not pressure from others.

The Benefits She Experienced After Losing Weight

Over the course of 12 months, She lost a total of 45 pounds through her new healthy lifestyle habits and use of semaglutide. She went from nearly 200 pounds down to 155 pounds on her 5'4" frame. She experienced many benefits from this weight loss:

  • Improved health and mobility: She has much more energy now and moves with ease. Her blood work has improved and she is less winded doing everyday activities.
  • A major boost in self-confidence: At her heaviest, she was self-conscious and lacked self-esteem. Now she feels beautiful, confident, and proud of her determination.
  • Inspiration for friends and family: I’m so inspired by her journey that I’ve started walking more and eating healthier too! She paved the way.

Lessons Anyone Can Apply from Her Weight Loss

While every weight loss journey is unique, there are some key lessons from her story that anyone could apply to their own goals:

  • Add more daily movement through activities like walking, gardening, housework etc. Anything that gets you active helps!
  • Focus your diet on nutritious whole foods like vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins. These nourish your body better than processed foods.
  • Ask your doctor about potential medications or supplements that may aid your weight loss efforts. Semaglutide helped regulate her appetite and blood sugar.
  • Celebrate small successes along the way. Each positive choice moves you forward.
  • Find a supportive community like an online group or real-life friends. Accountability helps motivation.
  • Make lifestyle changes slowly and steadily. Dramatic restrictions often backfire. Build healthy habits over time.
  • Focus on consistency, not perfection. You’ll have some indulgences but get back on track at the next meal. Progress, not perfection!

Your Turn: Tips to Get Started on Your Own Weight Loss Journey

Ready to embark on your own weight loss and health journey? Here are some tips to get started:

  • Consult your doctor to discuss weight loss goals and any health considerations. Get their input on a safe calorie deficit and exercise plan. Ask about medications or supplements that may assist your efforts.
  • Set realistic goals around weight loss, clothing sizes, or fitness benchmarks. A mix of outcome and process goals keeps you balanced.
  • Make a specific plan for the eating pattern and exercise regimen changes you’ll start with. Planning ahead leads to better follow through.
  • Focus on lasting lifestyle habits, not short term dieting. The key is consistency over months and years.
  • Track your progress through photos, measurements and weigh-ins. Celebrating successes helps motivation. But don’t obsess!
  • Stay positive through ups and downs. You’ll have good weeks and bad weeks. What matters is sticking to it long-term.
  • Find what works for you. Experiment with different eating plans and activities. Customize your approach as you learn more.
  • Be patient and persistent. Significant change takes time. Trust the process and keep going — your health and confidence will thank you!

In Summary

My Aunt’s inspiring 45 pound weight loss proves that slow and steady progress through lifestyle changes really works.

She lost weight safely through adding exercise, controlling portions, cooking at home, focusing on nutritious foods, and taking semaglutide.

Her story shows that weight loss is a journey of small daily choices, not extreme dieting.

With motivation, support, and the right tools, anyone can make progress one step at a time.

What healthy changes will you start with today?



Aysha Khan

I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, diet and more