My Continuing “Medium” Journey In All It’s Wonder.

Right on and Write on.

Vee Goldman


Photo by Clemens van Lay on Unsplash

I’ve written before about being on Medium and things have moved on a bit. A bit. A lot. Last month I received my first payment. A few cents. But that few cents was worth millions to me as a validation of my writing. A validation that I could do it and have something worthwhile to say that people would like reading. That meant a whole lot and brought a smile to my face and that of my husband.

Another mega-event was being asked to join Illumination as a writer by Linda Caroll so I duly sent my application in and was accepted and have been lucky enough to have two articles published.

But I will say this, and this goes beyond the writing. This site is confidence building. It lifts the soul and helps you to believe that indeed all things are possible. It’s a great community and friendly. So far I don’t think many, if any, trolls live here under the bridge. It is also a learning community, some of the articles I have read have been mind-blowing, made me tear up, been very interesting, and made me laugh out loud. All have given me food for thought through a diverse selection of people.

People talk of big money being earned here. That’s as may be, but the journey of getting there is what counts. It's not all going to be acceptances here and there…



Vee Goldman

Makes various jottings about life, the universe, and other stuff. Mother, Wife, Sheep Whisperer, and Free Spirit. For some reason has started writing poetry.