My Daily Grind: How I Manage Showing Up When I’d Rather Not

Joe Gibson, Above The Middle
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2024


Photograph by Robin Mitchell on Pexels

Showing up when you’d rather shut the world out is a struggle, especially if you’re someone like me who runs their passion hobby on the side of their day.

It’s like knowing you want something on a deeper, more intuitive level, but shutting the door on it for hours upon hours a day in order to get by. Unaligned for so long, it takes it’s toll.

I understand it’s a privilege in and of itself to know what you want to do — in my case, grow a writing business and become a coach —, though I can imagine many of you can relate!

Even if you don’t necessarily know what you want to do with your life, you may be aware that the thing you’re doing now isn’t working.

You may feel resentful towards your current circumstance, the impact of self-sacrificing in order to make ends meet.

Resistance, that feeling of constantly pushing against an immoveable force, is another sign of dissatisfaction. At worst, you can dissociate from your underlying frustration entirely, distancing yourself from the emotions in order to cope. Sometimes this is necessary, in order to not feel at constant odds with your current reality.



Joe Gibson, Above The Middle

Your path to authentic love and secure relationships starts here. Above The Middle, a blog by me, Joe Gibson.