My Dear Friend …

To all of my friends, who became strangers.

2 min readDec 8, 2023


Photo by Chang Duong on Unsplash

When I was young, life seemed simpler, filled with laughter and shared secrets. I had a small circle of friends, a tight-knit group that felt more like family. These were the friends whom I trusted implicitly. Their presence brought comfort and joy. Their laughter was my laughter; their pain, my pain. We were inseparable, united by bonds that I believed were unbreakable.

But as time passed, life, took us down different paths. The friends I valued so deeply, those integral parts of my youth, slowly turned into strangers. The frequent texts became sporadic, the calls ceased, and the replies became a rarity. What was once a constant exchange of thoughts and feelings is now just silence, broken only by the echo of memories.

These memories remain beautiful. They are like snapshots of a time when everything felt right—when friendship was easy and unburdened by the complexities of life. I remember the laughter, the adventures, the late-night conversations. We shared dreams and made plans, believing the future would always find us together.

But now, there’s a void where those friendships used to be. I often find myself wondering about them. My dear friends, where are you now? What paths have you chosen? What joys and sorrows have you faced without me? Life has a way of moving us forward, and often away from those we once held close.

Despite the distance and the silence, my heart refuses to let go. To my friends who have become strangers, know this: I am still here. If life ever becomes too heavy, if you find yourself in need of a familiar voice, remember that our past—filled with shared moments—is a bridge that can always be crossed. I am here, still carrying the memories, still cherishing the bond, and always ready to rekindle the friendship that once lit up my life.




I am a researcher and engineer by profession. However, sometimes, I write poems and my personal opinion about how I see the world.